The link between frozen shoulder and menopause
There is no evidence of a direct link between frozen shoulder and menopause. However, menopause involves hormone changes that could contribute to frozen shoulder and other musculoskeletal conditions.
How can physical therapy help?
Physical therapists aim to improve a person’s range of movement and quality of life and prevent further injury or disability.
How to Prepare for Your First Physical Therapy Session
If a doctor has told you that physical therapy could help you and you’ve never had it before, you probably have some questions about what to expect from physical therapy.
Symptomatic Malunion of a Displaced Clavicle Fracture
A left comminuted clavicle fracture sustained in a polytrauma accident went on to a symptomatic malunion after a trial of non-operative management. Will thoughtful preoperative planning and operative execution lead to fracture union?
Shoulder Blade Stretches: Exercises to Relieve Pain in Tight Shoulders
If the shoulder blade, or scapula, is out of position, or if there are any problems with the tendons attached to the scapula, it can cause pain and make movement difficult. Several stretches may help ease this pain.
Mid-term results of the Latitude primary total elbow arthroplasty
The Latitude total elbow prosthesis is a third-generation implant, developed to restore the natural anatomy of the elbow. Literature on this prosthesis is scarce. Aim of this study is to analyze the mid-term results of the Latitude total elbow prosthesis.
Management of a Humeral Shaft Non-union with Concomitant Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy
In this article, we describe the unique presentation of an 83-year-old, right-hand dominant male with severe right arm dysfunction secondary to a humeral shaft non-union in the setting of ipsilateral CTA. The case highlights the options for, and difficulty in, managing these concomitant pathologies in a medically frail individual who has lost meaningful upper extremity function and independence because of this injury.
Acetaminophen’s role in pain management after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Including acetaminophen for pain management prior to and after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can significantly reduce opioid consumption and improve patient satisfaction postoperatively. Not only that, but patients who take acetaminophen perioperative can also have better pain control, even while consuming fewer opioids.
Staging of osteochondritis dissecans of the elbow based on pathological progression in the partially detached articular fragment
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is considered to show the following stages of pathological progression: IA, nearly normal-cartilaginous; IB, deteriorated-cartilaginous; IIA, cartilage-ossifying; and IIB, cartilage-osteonecrotic. However, the validity of this pathological staging for OCD has yet to be confirmed in a large number of cases.
A Head-to-Head Evaluation of Subacromial Balloon Spacer vs. Partial Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
Although various treatment options are available, successfully managing patients with massive rotator cuff tears remains a challenge. One option that has generated considerable interest among orthopaedic surgeons is implantation of a biodegradable subacromial balloon spacer that has the potential to recenter the humeral head within the glenoid.